速報APP / 美食佳飲 / SSMS Official

SSMS Official





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本



SSMS Official(圖1)-速報App

View and Rate Mess Menu:

Finding it arduous to open and scroll through the Excel sheet every time to look at the menu? View and rate mess menu effortlessly in the 'SSMS Official' app now. Feedback system for menu is placed to make your views about the food you eat heard.

Revamped Grub Experience:

No longer will you have to wait in long lines to collect your stub or enter a grub. Now the app provides you with a unique QR code that lets you enjoy your grubs hassle-free.

Mess e-notice board:

SSMS Official(圖2)-速報App

Important notices displayed on the mess notice board will be displayed on the app so that you’re up to date with all that’s happening in your mess.

Information regarding SSMS and Contact details:

Important proceedings and functioning of SSMS as well as important contacts for you to send brickbats or bouquets.

Complaint and feedback system:

Your mess complaint register is now also available in the app so that your voice is never left unheard.

SSMS Official(圖3)-速報App

Please do write to abishek.varahamoorthy@gmail.com in case of any queries or issues.

SSMS Official(圖4)-速報App